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Most stylesheet templates generate HTML elements with content.
The previous Hello, World example just replaced an empty tag <hello>
with some text. Any content of the <hello> tag was ignored.
XSL uses <xsl:apply-templates> to evaluate the children of an element.
The following stylesheet creates a <note> tag whose content is
evaluated using the normal XSL processing. In the example,
every <note> tag is replaced with "Note: " and emphasizes the
contents of the tag.
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:template match="note">
<xsl:text>Note: </xsl:text>
<xsl:template match="hello">
<xsl:text>Hello, World!</xsl:text>
Since the XSL engine will evaluate the contents of the <note>,
it will replace the <hello> from the previous example with
the "Hello, World" text. By creating tags like <note>, you can
change the look of a page or an entire site by changing the stylesheet.
All the <note> instances will be automatically reformatted. With Serif,
you can modify the stylesheet and immediately browse the site to see how
it looks. The feedback is immediate.
This is a plain, old description.
<note>The first example is <hello/></note>
This is a plain, old description.
Note: <em>The first example is Hello, world!</em>
The StyleScript equivalent is $apply-templates();. The function
notation, $foo() expands to an xsl:foo element. The ';'
tells StyleScript that the tag is empty. For a tag with contents, use <<...>>.
$template(note) <<
Note: <em>$apply-templates();</em>
$template(hello) <<Hello, World!>>
- xsl:apply-templates processes the current node's children.
- You can add tags, like <em>, directly to the stylesheet.
- $apply-templates(); expands to <xsl:apply-templates/>
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