Using XSL for common formatting boxes |

Many common formatting idioms, like boxes, are repeated throughout a
web site. Each box has the same design throughout the site, but
its HTML implementation is a verbose combination of tables.
Changing the site design involves changing each of the tables. The
many identical changes make the site more brittle and less changeable.
An XSL box formatting library lets a site create a consistent
look, keeping the design stored in one place. Instead of cutting
and pasting table definitions, the page refers to the name of a box,
like border-box, and lets XSL do the formatting.
The first element is a simple screen box. Like the screen of the
following example, the screen-box creates a rectangle with a
solid background. In the following, the bgcolor and title are optional.
Using screen-box
<screen-box bgcolor="#ff8080">
<title>A Sample Box</title>
This is a little bit of data.
The example, with title looks as follows, basically the same as the
example above.
A Sample Box
This is a little bit of data.
The XSL template gives additional flexibility to the tag. That
complicates the template slightly. Any attribute in the screen-box
will be automatically added to the table. In addition, the <title>
tag is optional adding an extra $if.
screen-box XSL
screen-box <<
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"
border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="silver">
$for-each(@*) << $copy(); >>
$if (title) <<
The second box is just a different style. It has a colored border
and a colored in title bar. The HTML is entirely different, but by
using the stylesheet, the XML source can be identical. The XML
specifies the formatting and the stylesheet carries it out.
Using border-box
<border-box bgcolor="#ff8080">
<title>A Sample Box</title>
This is a little bit of data.
With a similar XML source, the result is entirely different.
A Sample Box |
This is a little bit of data.
To provide the full flexibility of the screen-box, the attributes
must be split between the generated tables. It's straightforward, if
a bit verbose. The border attribute, for example, needs to be
converted to a cellpadding of an inner table.
border-box stylesheet
border-box <<
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1
width='100%' bgcolor="silver">
$if (@border) <<
$attribute(cellpadding) << $(@border) >>
$for-each(@*[name(.)!="border" and name(.)!="cellpadding"]) <<
$if (title) <<
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width='100%'>
<tr><td><font size="+1"> <b>
<table border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width='100%'>
$for-each(@cellpadding) << $copy(); >>
<tr><td bgcolor="white">
The example box shows nothing new technically, but does show an
important organizational difference. screen-box and border-box
are formatting tags. An example tag is meaningful to the
source XML. The advantage of an example tag is that the
formatting can be changed meaningfully for an entire site.
It makes sense to change the formatting of an example from a
screen-box to a border-box. It doesn't make sense to change the
formatting of the border-box to a screen-box. By using more
meaningful tags like example, the site can more easily change
to formatting to make it more readable.
Using example
<title>An Example Box</title>
This is a little bit of example data.
An Example Box |
This is a little bit of example data.
Because the example tag has a definite style, the XSL
implementation is simpler than the more general border-box that
achieves a similar result.
example stylesheet
example <<
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1
width='100%' bgcolor="#ff8080">
$if (title) <<
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width='100%'>
<tr><td><font size="+1"> <b>
<table border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width='100%'>
<tr><td bgcolor="white">
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